Savvy Caregiver

Savvy Caregiver is a 6-week class for family members who are caring for someone living with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia (ADRD).
Classes offer caregivers the knowledge and skills they need to improve quality of life for their family member, as well as for themselves.
This course provides:
- Information on ADRD
- Knowledge of how dementia affects the person
- Ideas for setting up daily care and activities for success
- Strategies for figuring out what behaviors mean and how to respond
- Tools for decision-making
To find out more information or to register for an upcoming class, please fill out the interest form to the left.
After taking the Savvy Caregiver series, one family caregiver told us about the day he took his first class:
I can put a stake in the ground and say, ‘My mom’s life started to get better the day [I took my first Savvy class],’ because my life did too.
—a family caregiver
Savvy Caregiver

Savvy Caregiver is a 6-week class for family members who are caring for someone living with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia (ADRD).
Classes offer caregivers the knowledge and skills they need to improve quality of life for their family member, as well as for themselves.
This course provides:
- Information on ADRD
- Knowledge of how dementia affects the person
- Ideas for setting up daily care and activities for success
- Strategies for figuring out what behaviors mean and how to respond
- Tools for decision-making
To find out more information or to register for an upcoming class please fill out the interest form below.
After taking the Savvy Caregiver series, one family caregiver told us about the day he took his first class:
I can put a stake in the ground and say, ‘My mom’s life started to get better [the day I took my first Savvy class],’ because my life did too.
—a family caregiver