S A T U R D A Y , O C T O B E R 8 , 2 0 2 2 | D E N A ’ I N A C E N T E R

Mayor’s Charity Ball
Saturday, October 8, 2022 @ 5:30 PM [see full schedule]
Dena’ina Civic and Convention Center • 600 W. Seventh Avenue · Anchorage
Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska (ARA) is excited to have been chosen to be part of the upcoming Anchorage Mayor’s Charity Ball, an annual event that raises funds to support local 501(c)3 charitable organizations during a gala evening hosted by the Mayor. 100% of all net proceeds are distributed to the four honored charities each year.
Individual tickets and tables may be purchased at mayorscharity.org.
Activities include:
- dinner and cocktails
- dancing
- silent and live auctions, held virtually this year, accessible statewide.
- other fun fund-raising efforts.
This event has sold out every year, attracts guests from all parts of the community, and is proud that its success through the years has transcended political lines, because it is about helping others and making a difference in Anchorage.
A few donation ideas:
- Restaurants
- Gift Certificates
- Spas & Salons
- Outdoor Activities
- Alaska tour or travel tickets
- Weekend getaways
- Sports tickets or memorabilia
- Concert or show tickets
- Art or art events
Contact Joanne or Lorraine for more information at JProefrock@alzalaska.org or LGuyer@alzalaska.org
or call 907-561-3313.
Gathering Auction Items
You can help ARA by donating something for the auction, introducing us to local business owners who may be interested in donating and/or volunteering to help at the event.