10 Warning Signs

Progressive dementias are not part of normal aging.

Progressive dementias are illnesses which can lead to a loss of cognitive abilities (i.e. memory, judgment, reasoning, language, perception, etc.).

Symptoms usually occur in adults 65 years and older, although people in their 30s, 40s, and 50s may also be affected. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of a progressive dementia.

  1. Recent Memory Loss That Affects Daily Living Skills
  2. Difficulty Performing Familiar Tasks
  3. Problems with Language
  4. Disorientation of Time or Place
  5. Poor or Decreased Judgment
  6. Problems with Abstract Thinking
  7. Frequently Misplacing Things
  8. Sudden Changes in Mood or Behavior
  9. Dramatic Changes in Personality
  10. Significant Loss of Initiative

A diagnosis of a progressive dementia such as Alzheimer’s, Lewy Body, vascular dementia, or Frontal-temporal dementia should only be determined by qualified health care professionals.

How We Can Help

If you are worried about symptoms schedule a free memory screening. We can also suggest next steps to take and offer additional resources.

You are not alone.