Cancer Drug Nilotinib Changes Alzheimer’s Disease Biomarkers -This may be a first step towards a disease-modifying treatment, phase II study suggests

Target Audience and Goal Statement: Neurologists

The goal of this study was to evaluate the safety and tolerability of nilotinib, and its effect on biomarkers, in Alzheimer’s disease.

Question Addressed:

  • What was the safety and tolerability of nilotinib, and its effect on biomarkers, in mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease?

Study Synopsis and Perspective:

Dysfunctions in the cellular waste disposal system, also known as autophagic dysfunction, is a pathologic feature of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Since there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, and autophagy plays a major role in removing protein aggregates, researchers have explored its role in Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.

(read on – full article here)