Class Descriptions

Click a class title on the left menu to jump to the description on the right. Note that this is not an exhaustive list but does cover the past couple years worth of classes.

CG101 & Pro

Mind Aerobics™



Movie Presentations

Caregiving 101 & Pro

Activities are Everywhere

Last update — 9/20/2022

Activities with the people you care for can build relationships and a deeper connection. In turn, this can prevent challenging behaviors and also lead to increased caregiver satisfaction.

We will discuss the benefits of activities as well as how to overcome common barriers. Join us to explore finding meaningful activities in the daily routine. Our goal is to help you see activities everywhere!

Activities of Daily Living

Last update — 12/12/20

Bathing, dressing, eating, using the bathroom: these basic daily activities can drastically change for our loved ones when dementia is present. Learn helpful tips and tools on making these activities easier for caregivers and more pleasant for our loved ones.

Activity Box Ideas for People Living with Dementia

Last update — 7/19/2022

People with dementia need activities where they can feel productive and engaged. Being engaged in a successful activity reduces agitation, anxiety and boredom. Activity boxes have many benefits such as preserving fine motor skills, providing feelings of self-worth, and satisfying sensory needs. In this class you will learn how to create fun and engaging activity boxes!

Last update — 7/20/20

Join Alaska Legal Services and us as we explore some of the legal issues faced by those who are caring for someone with dementia. Some of the questions to be covered include:
• When to get a lawyer, and what kind of lawyer is best?
• What is the difference between power of attorney and guardianship and when is it important to consider either?
• What do you need to deal with end-of-life questions?
• What should you do if abuse is suspected?
• How should you handle property and financial concerns?

Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority

Last update — 10/5/20

Learn what the Mental Health Trust does, why it exists, what it means to be a beneficiary and how the Mental Health Trust supports Alaskans with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias and their caregivers.

Special Guest Presenter: Kelda Barstad, LMSW – Program Officer, Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority

The Art of Long-Term Care Planning

Last update — 10/19/20

Learn how long-term care can impact the five pillars of aging (health, family, social, financial, and peace of mind), and why it can be helpful to create a long-term care plan.

Join us and Karin Woofter (family caregiver and local insurance agent) to learn The Art of Long Term Care Planning.

Assisted Living: If, When, and How

Last update — 11/19/2021

Making the decision with or for a care partner to move into an assisted living home or a new residence can be difficult. Join us for a discussion about if the time might be right, what options are available in the community, and how to prepare for the move.

Assistive Technology of Alaska

Last update — 11/2/20

Join us for an informative presentation from Assistive Technology of Alaska (ATLA). Learn about options provided by ATLA and how their assistive technology may best meet the needs of your loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias and, importantly, you.

Bathing Without The Battle

Last update — 2/13/2023

Bath time is often one of the more challenging tasks in providing care.

Learn compassionate and skillful approaches to bathing designed to minimize distress for all involved at this event. It doesn’t need to be a battle.

Being a Friend: Staying Involved

Last update — 4/13/2022

Friendships and connection are essential to the quality of our lives. A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or a related dementia doesn’t change that. Yet these diagnoses can alter the patterns of relationships. At times it’s hard to know what to do or say.

Prepare yourself by learning about the disease, as well as techniques for communicating and maintaining connection. Worried about a family member or friend? We’ll discuss your options to find help. We all need friends – learn how to remain one!

Being the Decision Maker

Last update — 2/27/2023

A person living with dementia’s ability to make simple and complex decisions declines as the disease progresses, meaning that family members often become the decision-makers. Making decisions for a person living with dementia often presents difficult challenges, and can be emotional and overwhelming for family caregivers.

Join us to learn about the various options for becoming a legal decision-maker, as well as approaches that may be useful when faced with making decisions for a family member.

Blood Pressure: Know Your Numbers

Last update — 5/9/2022

Lifestyle strategies play an important role in treating and managing blood pressure. Research shows blood pressure has risen during the pandemic. Maintaining a healthy weight, reducing stress, exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet can help to control your blood pressure.

Join Linda Vlastuin, RN, with the Alaska Kidney Foundation, to learn more about how you can lower your risks for high blood pressure!

Caregiver Self Care

Previously known as Care for the Caregiver

Last update — 2/18/2023

Taking care of yourself is important. It’s important for you and essential for the person who needs your care.

Join us to learn some self-care techniques you can incorporate into your busy days. Develop a plan to effectively balance caregiving duties and your own well-being.

Caring for our Aging Selves

Last update — 12/15/2021

Aging is a universal feature of human life: we grow, we grow up, and we grow older. While growing older is often viewed as merely a time of physical and cognitive decline, it can also be a time rich with new possibilities. Join us to examine the many facets of aging and explore ways to embrace growing older.

Challenging Behaviors

Also known as Behaviors that Challenge Us (11/19/22)

Last update — 3/17/2023

Caring for someone with dementia can be hard when they begin to lose their sense of memory and language. Communication starts to take different forms and might include expression through challenging behaviors such as yelling, acting out, or withdrawing.

There is a reason! Learn how to rethink behaviors as forms of communication while strategizing appropriate responses.

Common Challenges Faced by Dementia Care Partners

Last update — 3/16/2023

As care partners it can be difficult to cope with and understand the behavior changes and challenges associated with dementia, such as: refusing care, repetition, shadowing, sundowning, delusions, agitation and other trying situations.

Join us to learn practical strategies to help you respond, manage and lessen the impact of these behaviors.

Communication Tips for Caregivers

Last update — 8/14/2022

Caring for someone with dementia? Come learn some tips that can make your communication clearer, reduce frustration, and improve quality of life – for both of you!

Communication Tips: Beyond the Basics

Last update — 3/16/2023

Caring for someone with dementia? When faced with distress, confusion, or hallucinations – it can be hard to know what to say or do. Come build your skills for responding to challenging situations.

Coping with Social Isolation and Loneliness

Last update — 5/24/2021

Loneliness and social isolation can have a big impact on physical and mental health for older adults. Join this presentation to gain an understanding of the risks and factors that contribute to this serious health matter. Learn ways to cope with loneliness. We’ll also share related resources that will bring meaning and improve the lives of older adults.

Creating Moments of Joy

Last update — 9/21/2022

Memories are made up of the moments in our lives. Many of these moments are shared with or inspired by others. Often, we create moments of joy for those for whom we care. Creating these moments can become more challenging when caring for someone living with dementia.

Join us as we identify moments within a typical day that provide opportunities for joy and contented involvement.

Dementia and Sensory Changes

Last update — 12/6/2022

Our senses are powerful tools that help us navigate the world. These five senses – sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste – help us receive and process important information. Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias change these five senses over time and can impact quality of life.

Join us to learn how our five senses are affected by dementia and how it is possible to continue living a positive life with sensory challenges.

Dining and Dementia

Last update — 10/7/2022

For many of us, joining together over meals is a cornerstone of home life. Yet meals can become stressful as dementia progresses.

Our goal is to help you understand how this disease impacts eating and to provide tips and tools to improve the nutritious dining experience for everyone at the table.

Downsizing and Decluttering

Last update — 2/1/2022

What is “downsizing?” What makes it difficult to declutter and downsize? What successes or challenges have you encountered in the downsizing process?

Come and join this interactive, conversational class about downsizing and decluttering family treasures, memorabilia, paperwork, and more.

The Driving Dilemma: Knowing When to Brake

Last update — 5/20/2023

Driving is a significant source of independence but a task in which we should be aware of the changes we face while aging.

Join us for discussion about the effects of normal aging on driving as well as the effects of a dementia diagnosis.

Early Detection of Dementia: What is Our Role?

Last update — 10/11/2022

Early detection and diagnosis can greatly improve quality of life for people living with dementia and their families. However, many are reluctant to talk about concerns regarding memory or brain health with their medical providers. As members of the healthcare team, we can be the link to early detection, an accurate diagnosis, and connecting individuals and families with vital resources.

Effective Responses When a Person with Dementia is Agitated, Angry or Aggressive

Last update — 6/21/2022

Caring for a person living with dementia? How can you help to de-escalate a tense situation when faced with agitation, anger, or aggression? We will discuss how you can prepare in advance, actions that may help in the moment, and what to do when the situation is done.

End-of-Life Decisions

Last update — 9/18/2022

End of Life care planning can help ensure that your values and goals are respected throughout life. Join us to learn more about palliative and hospice care, how they differ, and what is available in our area. We will also cover subjects like advance directives, living wills, and powers of attorney.

Engaging People Living with Dementiaf

Last update — 9/13/2022

Successful engagement rests on a foundation of learning what makes each person unique.

Join us to explore ways to create meaningful engagement for people living with dementia.

Engaging People Living with Dementia: The Environment

Last update — 9/21/2021

Set yourself, and the people you care for, up for success. Make sure the environment is working for you. We will review tips and tools for managing the environment for successful engagement.

Engaging People Living with Dementia: Redirection

Last update — 10/19/2021

Redirection is a powerful tool that rests on a foundation of engagement.

How can you use redirection effectively while promoting the well-being of the people for whom you care? Come learn tools to enhance your ability to redirect as you engage with people living with dementia.

Fall Prevention

Last update — 11/16/2021

Falls are a leading cause of injuries in older adults and can result in loss of independence. In this class you will learn how to identify hazards in the home that can cause falls. We will also discuss how vision, medication management, and physical activity can make a difference in managing fall risk.

Family Meeting

Last update — 12/2/2022

How can we involve different family members, near and far, in the responsibilities of caregiving? In this class you will learn how a family meeting might bring family members together to effectively identify needs and concerns of a care recipient and those providing day-to-day care, and create opportunities for the sharing of responsibilities in ways that realistically serve the family as a whole.

Food and Nutrition in Brain Health

Previous versions of this class were known as Nutrition and Aging.

Last update — 7/13/2022

Join us for a special presentation about nutrition and aging from Nutritionist Leslie Shallcross, UAF Cooperative Extension Service. We will examine the MIND diet recommendations as well as nutrition, food, and health habits for a healthier brain.

Frontotemporal Dementia

Last update — 7/26/2022

Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) refers to a group of neurogenerative disorders that affects the frontal or temporal lobes of the brain. This presentation will explore the different types of frontotemporal disorders, signs and symptoms, diagnosis and challenges for family members.

The GEMS®: Using Skills That Make a Difference

Last update — 10/4/2022

The GEMS®, developed by acclaimed dementia educator Teepa Snow, is a dementia model that focuses on an individual’s uniqueness and capabilities, rather than on their memory loss. The GEMS® model recognizes the dynamic nature of the human brain and its abilities.

Join us to discover how to use this knowledge to improve everyday living, care tasks, and communications. People, like gemstones, are precious and unique—with the right care and setting they can shine!

Grief and the Holidays

Last update 12/7/20

The truth is all loss matters. When most people think about grief and grieving, they immediately think about death. And certainly, losing a loved one who has died is one of the most devastating things we face in this lifetime.

It’s not the only loss we face — we also experience communication challenges, breakups, estranged family, and the journey through dementia, just to name a few. In this class, we will talk about the grief journey, especially as it relates to the dementia journey.

The Grieving Caregiver

Last update — 11/15/2021

Providing care to a loved one who is suffering through a terminal illness is highly stressful in itself.  With Alzheimer’s disease or any form of dementia, a good deal of stress can come from adjusting to new challenges and mourning losses each day. Then, once a loved one has passed, there is the added task of reclaiming or redefining one’s own identity.

Please join us for a presentation by guest speaker Ken Helander to talk about grieving, loss, and caring for a person with dementia.

Guardianship Explained

Last update — 10/16/2021

Join us to learn about:
• the petitioning process
• duties of a guardian
• expectations of the court

Guest Speaker
Janet Hansten will present an overview of Adult Guardianship in Alaska.

The Healthy Brain: What Is Good for the Brain?

Last update — 10/12/2022

Brain health is a critical piece of our overall health. But what factors contribute to brain health? What puts it at risk? What can we do to support brain health as we age?

Join us to learn the answers to these questions and discover some ideas for improving and/or maintaining brain health.

Healthy Body, Healthy Brain

Last update — 11/9/2022

Research shows that healthy habits can affect not only our brain, but our body, mind, and spirit.

Come learn what the latest studies teach us about healthy living and maintaining the brain in fun ways!

Helpful Tips and Strategies for Managing Memory Loss

Last update — 8/10/2022

Memory loss can interfere with a person’s ability to manage their everyday tasks. Multitasking, personal care, following directions, and keeping track of times, dates and other information can be challenging.

This presentation will offer creative ways to support a person living with early to moderate dementia and help them feel more successful during the day. You may decide to use these techniques in your everyday life as well!

Holidays and Dementia

Last update — 11/18/2022

Holidays are a time of joy and celebration, but the excitement could be overwhelming for your family member or friend living with dementia.

Dementia Educator Debbie Chulick, will be discussing traveling with someone with dementia, gift ideas, and communication tips.

Holidays and Traveling

Also known as Holidays and Traveling: Tips For Someone Living With Dementia.

Last update — 10/29/2022

Holidays are a time of joy and celebration, but the excitement could be overwhelming for your family member or friend living with dementia. Travel can also be a challenge.

Join us to learn ways to make the holidays and travel plans special and safe for all.

Home & Community Safety

Last update — 1/9/2023

Creating Dementia-Friendly living spaces at home and in the community!

Learn simple home modifications and practical tips that can reduce accidents for older adults and people living with dementia. The kitchen, bathroom, stairs, medications, and wandering are all common safety concerns and will be addressed with helpful strategies to make caregiving a little easier and safer. We will also be Identifying warning signs and potential risk factors in the community and how to handle these respectfully.

Honoring Connection: How to Improve Communication

Last update — 9/19/2022

People connect in many different ways, but communication is one of the most important ways to connect with others. When language is lost due to a cognitive change, how do we maintain our connection? How do we find out what our care partner needs?

Join us as we explore the many types of communication and strategies available to use when the person for whom we care has a progressive dementia. Learn to listen with your ears and your heart when honoring connection!

How occupational therapy can help people living with dementia with everyday activities

Last update — 2/7/2022

Occupational therapists provide holistic care for people living with dementia and their loved ones by finding ways to enjoy life to its fullest. They assist by evaluating strengths and impairments to create a plan that helps individuals maintain their skills for as long as possible. Occupational therapists also equip caregivers with educational support to help prevent burnout and address worrying behaviors.

How to Gain the Rewards of Being a Caregiver

Last update — 5/21/2022

Caregiving is often stressful. It can also be demanding and time consuming. Yet, despite these challenges, many identify the feelings of self-fulfillment they get from caregiving as very rewarding. Join us to explore what gets in the way of being able to find that self-fulfillment and what we can do to claim it.

How to Successfully Support a Loved One When They Live In a Facility

Last update — 12/18/2021

Caring for a loved one who is living in a facility can create unique challenges.

Join us to consider what some of those challenges might be and learn how best to deal with them. Explore ideas for how to ensure your loved one is receiving the care they need, as well as ways to help them adapt to their new life.

Dementia & Incontinence 

Last update — 6/17/24

Incontinence can happen in dementia for many reasons.  The restroom experience can be stressful, frustrating, and embarrassing for people living with dementia and their caregivers.  The way we approach and address incontinence issues can impact how we handle them.  

This presentation will provide understanding,  tips, and strategies  that can make a difference in daily personal care.

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Dementia

Last update — 11/17/20 (Pro Webinar)

Supporting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) who also develop dementia requires a care team with specialized knowledge and skill. This webinar will explore the intersection between these two neurological conditions and how we can provide the best quality of life through early recognition of the signs and symptoms of dementia, as well as adapting our caregiving goals to meet the needs of each person living with IDD and dementia.

Intimacy, Sexuality, and Dementia

Last update — 9/11/2021

Conversations about sexual expression of older adults and those with dementia may not be comfortable but are absolutely necessary. Join us for a discussion on sexuality, aging, and dementia; learn strategies for awareness, training, and acceptance, including how to handle this sensitive topic with families.

Joyful Moments & Meaningful Activities

Last update — 9/20/2022

Quality of life is important at any age and especially as we get older. Our intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and other quality of life needs have a tremendous impact on our overall physical and brain health. Practicing gratitude, trying new things, reminiscing, and rediscovering old interests all exercise our brain in a positive way and bring meaning into our lives.

Join us for fun, hands-on, and meaningful activities that will have a positive impact in your life.

Keeping Memories Alive

previously known as Keeping A Person’s Life Story Alive and The Memory Keeper

Last update — 3/7/2023

Memories and reminiscing bring us comfort and happiness. Unfortunately, as dementia progresses, some memories are better retained or hardwired than others.

Reminiscing offers comfort and meaning to our lives and helps us to reconnect with our past, present, and future. Join us for creative, thoughtful, and entertaining ideas to keep special memories alive.

Late & End Stages of Alzheimer’s

Last update — 3/18/2023

Honoring connection with those for whom we care during late and end stage Alzheimer’s disease requires evolving knowledge, skills, and supports. It is a time for letting go as well as for providing comfort and care, while considering important end-of-life issues. Join us as explore approaches to these difficult topics.

Also, see Legal Issues Part 1 & 2 below

Last Update 1/20/21

In this class we explore some of the legal issues faced by those who are caring for someone with dementia. Some of the questions to be covered include: When to get a lawyer and what kind of lawyer is best? What is the difference between power of attorney and guardianship, and when is it important to consider either? What do you need to deal with end of life questions? What should you do if abuse is suspected? How should you handle property and financial concerns? Join us for this very important discussion.

Last update — 2/19/2022

Guest speaker Eva Khadjinova, from Alaska Legal Services, will identify issues faced by caregivers who are worried about the care of someone living with dementia when it is no longer possible for them to receive care at home.

We will explore answers to questions such as: When should we start considering our options? Who can help? When do we need a lawyer? How and when do we pursue a Medicaid Waiver? What are our options if we have too many assets? Please join us for this very important discussion.

Join us for this very important discussion.

Legal Issues for Family Caregivers | part 2

Last update — 3/19/2022

Guest speaker Eva Khadjinova, from Alaska Legal Services, will identify issues faced by caregivers when they care for someone living with dementia that no longer has the capacity to sign legal documents, such as: wills, power of attorney, divorce, property sales, etc.

We will explore options, like guardianship or conservatorship, for when this occurs. There will also be an opportunity to discuss your general legal questions. We hope you will join us for this very important presentation.

Lewy Body Dementia

Last update — 4/26/2022

Lewy Body Dementia (LBD) is often confused with Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. However, it has many symptoms that set it apart from other dementias. Join us to learn more about LBD and how to address some of its most difficult symptoms and challenges.

Lifestory Reminiscing

Last update — 4/15/2023

Our life stories can tell us who we are, why we are here, and what we are to do. However, when memory changes begin to occur, life stories might start to become lost. In this Caregiving 101 class, we will talk about why it is important to tell life stories, what life stories involve, and how we can help ourselves and our care partners to use life stories. We will explore different ways to engage with others through Life Story Reminiscing.

Making Visits Positive

Last update — 7/7/2022

Hospitalization or a move to an assisted living challenges family and friends to find new ways of connecting and interacting with a person living with dementia. Uncertainty about what to expect, or what to say and do, can needlessly limit valuable time together.

Join us to learn the visiting skills that create opportunities for connection and moments of joy.

Meaningful Activities

Previously known as Meaningful Activities of Daily Living

Last update — 4/16/21

Come and join us for an interactive and informative talk about activities from the social, physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects.

Our goal is for you to be able to identify and use caring approaches that motivate people living with dementia to be successfully involved in their care.

Mouth Care without the Battle

Last update — 6/24/2022

Ensuring good oral hygiene is difficult when thinking and functional abilities decline and when your attempts to help are met with resistance. Learn practical and skillful approaches to overcome behavioral challenges and promote oral health.

Music in Dementia Care

This title is typically used for the Professional class, also known as The Power of Music for Caregiving 101.

Last update — 8/23/2022

Music can connect us to people living with dementia and increase their quality of life.

Please join us to learn why music can be an engaging tool and how to integrate it into your daily caregiving.

Last update — 4/20/2021 Professional Webinar

Are your clients looking for resources and supports? Take a tour of Alaskan programs and services. Get tips for finding current and reliable information, and for making referrals to many different agencies. Empower those you serve to successfully navigate the range of resources available.

Last update — 4/16/2022

Guest Speaker Susan Guillory, VA General Caregiver Support Program Coordinator, will share information about available VA caregiver support programs. She will offer insights and tips for possible ways to navigate this complex government agency. As time allows, we will also have a question/answer session.

Next Steps After a Diagnosis of Dementia

Last update — 3/9/2022

A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or related dementia is scary; especially if you don’t know where to get help.

Learn what resources are available and get accurate information on the disease so you know what to expect and what to do next.

“Normal” Aging vs “Not-Normal” Aging

Last update — 7/12/2022

This Positive Approach™ to Care workshop helps care partners understand and recognize the differences between “normal” and “not-normal” aging, and addresses typical issues that occur throughout the progression of dementia. Learn the value of matching helping behaviors to the person’s needs and retained abilities, and to promote a sense of control and self-direction.

Nutrition and Aging

Last update — 11/8/2021

Join us to learn more about nutrition and aging from registered dietitian, Grace Schumacher.

She will cover the basics as well as ideas and techniques for picky eaters and people experiencing swallowing

Nutrition and Brain Health: What we need to know

Last update — 7/13/22

Join us for a special presentation about nutrition and aging from Nutritionist Leslie Shallcross, UAF Cooperative Extension Service. We will examine the MIND diet recommendations as well as nutrition, food, and health habits for a healthier brain.

Overview of Alzheimer’s

Last update — 9/14/2022

What is Alzheimer’s? What is dementia? Join us for an informative session about Alzheimer’s disease and the other disorders that cause dementia symptoms. We’ll cover the general definitions, diagnostic processes, and provide valuable resources to assist you along the way. We understand you may be worried but you are not alone!

Pain in People Living with Dementia

Last update — 12/13/2022

Pain in people living with dementia is often underrecognized, underdiagnosed and undertreated. By increasing our knowledge about the best available pain assessment tools and pain management approaches, we can play an important role in addressing pain and increasing the person’s quality of life.

Person-Centered Care

Last update — 1/20/2023

In our everyday, moment-to-moment interactions with people living with dementia are where when it comes to person-centered care.

Join us to discuss interactions that can lead to an increase in the well-being of the person living with dementia, as well as those actions that can undermine it.

Person-Centered Care for Individuals with IDD and Dementia

Last update — 11/15/2022

A dementia diagnosis for someone experiencing an intellectual developmental disability (IDD) requires a care team with specialized knowledge and skill. It is vital that everyone involved understands the changes that occur and what current best practices are available to help. By adapting our caregiving goals and approach to meet the needs of each unique individual living with IDD and dementia, we can continue to support their success and quality of life.

The Power of Music

This title is typically used for Caregiving 101, also known as The Music in Dementia Care for the Professional class.

Last update — 8/23/2022

Music can connect us to people living with dementia and increase their quality of life.

Please join us to learn why music can be an engaging tool and how to integrate it into your daily caregiving.

Last update — 11/4/2022

It is widely understood that Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one type of progressive dementia. But what are the “related dementias” (RD)? What makes them different? And, in what ways are they alike? Join us for a detailed discussion of the five most commonly identified dementias.

Senior Targeted Fraud and Scams

Last update — 10/12/20

Financial exploitation is a risk everyone faces. Yet older adults or persons with cognitive impairments are particularly vulnerable.

Learn how to recognize and avoid common forms of fraud, scams, identity theft, and other types of financial exploitation.

Supporting Caregiver Well-being

Last update — 1/17/2023

Caring for a person living with dementia can be stressful. Join us to learn how to better support the family caregivers you serve. In this webinar, we will highlight tools, and resources caregivers can use for self-care, to build resiliency, and ultimately to increase the quality of life for themselves and those for whom they care.

Sleep and Dementia – Promoting a Good Night’s Sleep

Last update — 8/17/2022

Many people living with dementia experience a wide array of sleep problems. Problems include waking up many times during the night, staying awake longer, sundowning, and daytime sleepiness. These sleep patterns can have many causes.

Join us to understand what contributes to sleep problems in Alzheimer’s and related dementias and what you can do to help.

Understanding Supported Decision-Making Agreements for Seniors

Last update — 2/21/2022

In December 2018, Alaska enacted new legislation for individuals who need decision-making assistance. Supported Decision Making Agreements are legal agreements that allow the person needing assistance to receive support from trusted individuals, rather than assigning a surrogate decision-maker. Join Lisa Wawrzonek, Administrator for the Alaska State Association for Guardianship and Advocacy, to learn about the Supported Decision Making Agreements program and how it is an available option for many older adults.

Using Plain Language: Tools for making health information clear and effective

Last Update — 5/18/21

Clear communication is a key to person-centered care. Come learn practical ways to communicate health messages so those you serve – both clients and their family members – can understand.

Vascular Dementia

Last update — 1/25/2022

Vascular dementia is widely considered the second most common cause of dementia after Alzheimer’s disease. This class will focus on the common symptoms, diagnosis, causes and risk factors associated with vascular dementia.

Join us to learn ways to help reduce your risk for this type of dementia and how to support a person with vascular dementia.

Virtual Dementia Tours

Last update — 3/1/2023

Sign up for your 30-minute Virtual Dementia tour between 10 AM — 4 PM. Space is limited so register now.

This Virtual Dementia Tour will give you an up-close, hands-on experience and provides insight into what day-today life is like for a person living with dementia. This experience will change the way you think, relate, and care for those living with ADRD. Join us to gain a better understanding of the experiences and needs of a person living with dementia.

The Virtual Dementia Tour was developed by P.K. Beville of Second Wind Dreams.

Wandering and Dementia

Last update — 11/21/2022

Most of us can relate with wanting to take a walk, wanting to get out and about. People living with dementia are no different. Walking is not the problem in itself – walking can help to relieve stress and boredom and is good exercise. However, for those living with dementia, walking or wandering can put them at risk for injury or getting lost.

Join us to develop an understanding of this common behavior and explore options that support individual autonomy while easing safety concerns.

What About The Kids? Dementia Through the Eyes of a Child

Last update — 9/21/2021

Dementia is often difficult for an adult to understand; it is even more difficult for a child. Too often, children blame themselves when a difficult change occurs. For children who have someone living with dementia in their lives, it can feel like they are losing two people: the person who has dementia and the family member providing the care. In this presentation, we will explore ways to help a child better understand what is happening and how to cope.

What are the Medicaid Waiver and Senior In-Home Programs?

Last update — 2/21/2023

Whether caring for a loved one or planning for ourselves, being informed and prepared is always a positive step.

Join Liz Smith, Care Coordination Resource of Alaska’s Anchorage Supervisor, and learn about the Medicaid Waiver and Senior In-Home programs. These programs may assist your family today or in the future.

What Is It Like to Have Dementia?

Last update — 2/21/2023

Gain insight into what people with Alzheimer’s and related dementias experience daily. Step into their world. Develop awareness, knowledge, and skill to improve the life of people in your care.

When Does Forgetting Become a Worry?

Previously known as When Does Forgetting Become a Disease

Last update — 1/17/2023

Have you ever walked into a room and forgotten why? As we age, we encounter many changes including changes in our memory. Some of these changes are “normal,” and others are not. Learn about the different types of memory changes that occur as we age and, if there is a concern, how to facilitate conversations with your doctor and your family

Social Activities

Art Links

Memory Café

Memory Cafés are an opportunity for people living with dementia and their care partners to engage in much needed socialization and enjoy the company of others who are on the same journey.

Join our Memory Café for the music, the chance to recharge, and to enjoy each other’s company.

Voices of the Last Frontier

Voices of the Last Frontier Chorus is a program for those living with dementia, their care partners and community volunteers. Join us weekly for an engaging hour of singing, group activities and sharing of stories via Zoom. This is an opportunity to check us out and see what you think! Sign-up for one session or attend them all.

We welcome you to join us in making music and story-telling. Let your voice be heard!

Mind Aerobics™

Mind Sharpener™

Last update — 6/13/2024

for Alaskans worried about memory loss.
1-hour class, meeting twice weekly for 12-weeks.

If you are a senior who is interested in having fun and keeping your brain sharp, please join us for some  engaging brain exercises that can help with memory, communication, problem- solving, concentration and reaction time.

These fun brain exercise sessions will be held once a week for 5 weeks from  July 16 through August 13 on Tuesdays from 10 to 11 am. at the Upper Susitna Seniors Incorporated building in Talkeetna at 16463 Helena Dr.

This full-brain workout is designed to help people strengthen and maintain the best brain function possible. This 12-week class focuses on exercising the six major cognitive areas of the brain:
• Memory
• Concentration
• Processing Speed
• Visual-Spatial Acuity
• Language
• Problem Solving
Space is limited – register today!

Savvy Caregiver

Savvy Caregiver

Savvy Caregiver is for family members who are caring for someone living with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia (ADRD).

Classes offer caregivers the knowledge and skills they need to improve quality of life for their family member, as well as for themselves.

This course provides:

  • Information on ADRD
  • Knowledge of how dementia affects the person
  • Ideas for setting up daily care and activities for success
  • Strategies for figuring out what behaviors mean and how to respond
  • Tools for decision-making

Savvy Caregiver classes meet for 2 hours a week, over a six-week period.


Memory Screening

Last update — 10/7/2022

Getting a memory screen done is important. The sooner a memory screening is done, the better one’s chances are of getting a possible problem diagnosed and possibly corrected.

For some who may go on to develop dementia, early diagnosis can help provide skills and knowledge to allow them and their loved ones to deal with this journey in a positive way.

Movie Screenings

20 Questions, 100 Answers, 6 Perspectives

Last update — 3/1/2023

Join ARA MatSu for a community film screening & discussion of the 2012 documentary “20 Questions, 100 Answers, 6 Perspectives About Dementia” presented by journalist Julie Anderson. This film offers a compilation of honest answers about dementia from medical doctors, professional care partners, and those personally affected by the disease. Filled with thoughtful perspectives and firsthand experiences, this documentary and the following discussion aim to empower families to understand and deal with dementia on their own terms.

Alive Inside

Last update — 9/7/2022

ALIVE INSIDE is a joyous cinematic exploration of music’s capacity to reawaken our souls and uncover the deepest parts of our humanity.

Dan Cohen, founder of the nonprofit organization Music & Memory, fights against a broken healthcare system to demonstrate music’s ability to combat memory loss and restore a deep sense of self to those suffering from it.

For more information on this 2014 American Documentary visit:

I’ll Be Me

Last update — 10/6/2022

In 2011, music legend Glen Campbell set out on an unprecedented tour across America. He thought it would last 5 weeks; instead, it went for 151 spectacular sold-out shows over a triumphant year and a half. What made this tour extraordinary was that Glen had recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. He was told to hang up his guitar and prepare for the inevitable. Instead, Glen and his wife went public with his diagnosis and announced that he and his family would set out on a “Goodbye Tour.” The film documents this extraordinary journey as he and his family attempt to navigate the wildly unpredictable nature of Glen’s progressing disease using love, laughter and music as their medicine of choice.

For more information on this 2014 American Documentary visit: